Myint Naing

Born in 1967

Artist Myint Naing (born 26 February 1967) is a Myanmar watercolor artist. Myint Naing was born in Giwa Village, Taungup Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. He graduated from the State School of Fine Arts (Yangon) (1986–1989). He studied under U Kyaw Lay, U Mya Aye, U Say Yoe, U Thit Lwin Soe and U Thukha.

He is primarily recognized for his work in abstract expressionism and his contributions to the Burmese contemporary art scene.

Myint Naing’s paintings often feature bold colors, energetic brushstrokes, and expressive forms. He frequently explores themes of nature, spirituality, and the human condition. His work has been exhibited both domestically and internationally, gaining recognition for its innovative style and powerful message.



Artist's Artworks Available for Collection

Artworks by the Artist