Saw Hlaing

Born in 1939

U Saw Hlaing was Born in 1939, Pyapon, Irrawady Division. He Studied under U Ba Thar, Sayar Myint, U Ngwe Gaing, U San Win, U Ba Kyi and U Hla Shein.

1957 – 58 Kan-Be’ Teacher Training College

Previous position:

1960 – 62 Art Teacher for Education Center, Kyite-Latt

1962 – 64 In charge of art illustrator at ” Shumawa”, ” Myawady”,” Ngwetary” and, “Thway Thout” magazines

1989 -92 President, Artist Association, Sanchaung Township

1992 – 95 Treasurer at, Myanmar Traditional Art and Artisans Organization (Central)

His Favorite Medium: Oil Color and Acrylic Color

Participated all major exhibition and group shows in Myanmar since 1957

– 1994 – 4th Asian Art Show, Fukuoka, Japan

– 2001 “Hundred Year Art Exhibition”, Beijing, China

– 2004 “Myanmar Orchid and Croton”, 1st STOCK ART GALLERY, U.S.A

– 2005 – Orient 2005, Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan

– 2006 – Orient 2006, Myanmar-Japan Rainbow Bridge, National Museum, Yangon

– 2002- 2007 Annual Solo Shows at Myanmar Traditional Artist and Artisans Organization (Central)

– Exhibited ” Diamond Anniversary Exhibition” till 3 times annually for over 75 years old Professional Talented Artists around Myanmar and celebrated the Honorabic Ceremony to the Great Alive Artists (over 85 years old) of Myanmar too

– Exhibited the Solo Show since 2002 to 2022 for 10th time

Artworks by the Artist